Thursday, December 27, 2012

Victory for BC Youth Basketball

 By Basketball Coordinator Brian Brown

Congratulations to the Bellevue Club Youth Basketball Academy 4th Grade White team for taking home the Washington Tournament Association’s Holiday Classic championship at Lakeside HS and Renton HS, held on Dec. 1st and 2nd.

The boys went 3-1 on the weekend, and avenged their only defeat to Kent Elite in the championship game by a convincing score of 45-20. This was only the second tournament the team has ever competed in.

In the picture from left to right: Oliver Thomas, John Short, Nate Barnard, Gavin Browne, Max Skinner, Van Linden, and Richard Barkley (not pictured Trace Nangle, Stephen Kerr, James Joffe)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


By Bellevue Club Registered Dietitian Laurelee Misseghers
The beginning of a new year is a good time to take stock of how things went over the previous year, and to think of how you want the coming year to be different. For many people, these changes may include things such as “Improving my diet,” or “Losing weight.” And while these are worthwhile goals, they are too generic to be of much use. 

How will you know if you have met your goals? Instead, it is important to have SMART goals:

            S         =          Specific
            M        =          Measurable
            A         =          Attainable
            R         =          Relevant
            T         =          Time-bound

For example, if I want to improve my diet, how can I make this into a SMART goal? 

S          =          Specific                       I will eat more fruit.
            M        =          Measurable                 I will eat 4 fruits/day.
            A         =          Attainable                   Yes, this is something I can easily do if I      
                                                                        purchase my fruit on Sunday.
            R         =          Relevant                      Yes – it will improve my diet.
            T         =          Time-bound                I will eat 4 fruits for 5 days of the week.

Obviously, SMART goals can be used in all areas of life, and not just healthy lifestyle changes.  By turning a generalized goal into a SMART goal, it is easy to see to identify the steps you need to take, and to see if you have met your new goal or not.  For additional help in meeting the goals you have for the new year, the dietitians at the Bellevue Club would be happy to meet with you.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Club and Hotel featured in New American Luxury

The Bellevue Club and Hotel Bellevue were featured in the December 2012 issue of New American Luxury, a magazine dedicated to informing and connecting executives in the luxury-trade community.

The magazine spoke with both President Bill Thurston and General Manager Brian Flaherty for the piece.

Read it online here.